Stormwater Design, SPCC, Sampling & Inspection Services


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Noise Monitoring

The Problem This gas development company wanted to begin a new drill operation on a current lease, but the conditions of their permit required a sound monitoring test to verify sound levels during various stages of their operation. The purpose of the test was to document sound levels that may potentially impact wildlife near the...
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Residential Stormwater Management

SWMP in 3 Days!

The Problem Summit received a call from a developer who needed a quick turnaround on a Stormwater Management Plan to meet the requirements of a local city in the Greater Denver metro area.  Having just been informed by the city that he had one week to put a SWMP in place the developer first called...
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A Northern Colorado rescue

The Problem A project owner who was not a Summit client had received a state inspection, but did not respond to the state’ Inspection Report as required. The state responded by informing the project owner that significant fines were pending unless the project came into compliance by responding to the Inspection Report, by developing a...
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Affordable Stormwater Design

The Problem Our client needed a SWMP for an interstate electrical transmission line that would be federally permitted. Because of the remote location of the line and dispersed nature of the disturbances the cost of BMPs was potentially unsupportable within their bid costs. Making good decisions in the design phase would be needed to hit...
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A GESC is not enough

The Problem Summit had a client that relied on their civil engineer to provide their initial stormwater documents. In this case the civil prepared a solid GESC (Grading, Erosion, and Sediment Control) plan that satisfied the city, but they did not prepare a SWMP to meet the requirements of their Colorado Stormwater Discharge Permit. This...
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Challenging Oil and Gas sites

The Problem Every day in the oil field has the potential to be challenging. The “roads” are constantly in need of improvement, and the unique safety challenges of the industry mean that we are often carrying gas detectors and escape hoods to avoid dangerous gases and allow for a safe exit when needed. Even the...
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Transmission Line Improvements

The Challenge A sixty mile line from near Carbondale, CO to Hagerman Pass near Leadville. The majority of the line was accessed from forest service roads or utility company right of ways. It took two days to travel the sixty miles for each inspection and the reports were documented with over 100 photos each week....
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Residential Stormwater Management

Rapid SWMP saves the day.

The Problem Our General Contractor client had been awarded a project with a start date looming, but learned after being awarded the project that a SWMP was not in place. Without the right stormwater documentation in place, this project was not allowed to break ground. Surprises like this can cause aggravating delays at the start...
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Residential Stormwater Management

Speedy SWMP approval in Aurora

The Problem Some projects are complex because of topography, because of their sheer size, or because they reside in multiple jurisdictions. The project described here was complex primarily because it was located in the City of Aurora. Our client was a residential builder who had extensive experience with multiple cities and counties around the Denver...
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